A coating used to prepare a surface for topcoat paint. On our wood products, we use only premium exterior grade oil-based primer. Our primer has a very slow cure time, which means the protective oils will soak deeply into the wood before setting up. This gives our products the absolute best protection available. When you […]
Often called Urethane, HDP, or Poly, it is a synthetic alternative to wood. It looks, feels, cuts, even sounds similar to wood. It comes pre-primed and ready to install. DENSITY: Our poly products are made with high density polyurethane with an overall density similar to white pine at 14 to 18 pounds per cubic foot. […]
Often called Urethane, HDP, or Poly, it is a synthetic alternative to wood. It looks, feels, cuts, even sounds similar to wood. It comes pre-primed and ready to install. DENSITY: Our poly products are made with high density polyurethane with an overall density similar to white pine at 14 to 18 pounds per cubic foot. […]
Often called Urethane, HDP, or Poly, it is a synthetic alternative to wood. It looks, feels, cuts, even sounds similar to wood. It comes pre-primed and ready to install. DENSITY: Our poly products are made with high density polyurethane with an overall density similar to white pine at 14 to 18 pounds per cubic foot. […]
(pronounced EE-pay) an exotic hardwood that is naturally resistant to rot and is extremely hard. These natural traits mean Ipe millwork can last 75+ trouble-free years. We use only stain grade, which means it is an exceptionally beautiful deep rich brown wood, and completely CLEAR of knots. We source this fine wood only from responsibley […]
A very popular exterior millwork wood species. And rightfully so. It is extremely strong, heavy, machines well, is exceptionally beautiful, and holds up very well to years of weather in all climates. Add that to the fact that it is one of the more cost efficient woods available and you have a sure winner for […]
A good outdoor use wood because of it’s stability and rot resistance. Western Red Cedar is rated durable to very durable for rot resistance. It ranges from a light tan to dark reddish brown. It is probably the most commonly used exterior wood in America, and is what most people are referring to when the […]
A creamy white softwood that we believe is the very best choice for exterior millwork. Why does Western Spindle use Port Orford Cedar when virtually all other companies are using Western Red Cedar? Because it’s BETTER! Port Orford Cedar enjoys the same exceptional exterior wood qualities as other cedars and redwood such as rot and insect resistance, but […]
Often called Alaskan Yellow Cedar, this light creamy yellow softwood is a good choice for exterior millwork. It has many similarities to Port Orford Cedar such as color, straightness of grain, hardness, strength, and rot resistance. It grows on the northwest coast of North America.
Missing edge or corner of a board caused by cutting it to far off the edge of the log. Wane often has bark left on it. The existence of wane indicates a poor quality board, and usually contains mostly sapwood.