How to Install Porch Columns & Porch Posts

Columns and porch posts can be used for load bearing and non-load bearing conditions. How to install porch columns & posts for each installation application can be found below:

  • FRP Columns – Whole
  • FRP Columns – Split for Reassembly
  • PVC Column Wraps – Non Tapered
  • PVC Column Wraps – Tapered
  • Polyurethane Porch Posts

Installing FRP Columns (Whole Columns)

To download a printable PDF of the instructions that can be taken to the jobsite, click here.

  1. Measure the total distance from the bottom of the beam to the platform
  2. Using a jack and post, jack up the beam only enough for replacing front porch columns, no more than 1/4″
  3. Determine the top centerline and mark it on the beam
  4. Hang a plumb bob from the top centerline to determine the bottom centerline
  5. Mark the bottom centerline point
  6. Using a square, draw a centerline perpendicular to the outside edge of the platform
  7. Draw a centerline parallel to the outside edge
  8. Use a wood rasp to level top of column shaft. Measure from the top of the column to the proper length and make a series of marks around the column shaft
  9. Using a piece of cardboard as a guide, draw a line all the way around the column
  10. Cut the column using an abrasive circular saw. Please note, because the column is load bearing, its top and bottom edges must be level to achieve full, even contact between the load surfaces and the shaft. Use a rasp to level as required
  11. Mark and drill clearance holes on the top and bottom of the column to accommodate bolts for the 1 3/8” L-brackets
  12. Slide cap over the top of the column to rest on the neck ring, then slide the base onto the column. Do not tip the cap or base at an angle on the shaft, which could damage the narrow edge of the cap and base
  13. Secure two L-brackets on the top and bottom of the column using through-bolts. Do not use screws and do not over tighten
  14. Put the assembly in place and plumb. Make sure that the load is centered over the column shaft and evenly distributed. Secure L-brackets to the platform and beam. The L-brackets will be hidden when the Cap & Base are secured into position
  15. Apply construction adhesive to the cap and base
  16. Align the square part of the base with the platform below and push the base down until secure
  17. Slide the cap up to the beam and push up until secure. Screws may be used to secure the cap to the beam and the base to the platform. (When using screws, first drill pilot holes and fill with putty to cover screw heads.)
  18. Apply caulk to gaps between the cap and base and the column shaft
  19. Prepare the column for painting by sanding lightly with 120-grit or finer wet/dry sandpaper. (columns 6” – 12” up to 12’ long are factory sanded)
  20. Remove dust by wiping the column, cap, and base with cleaner compatible with your chosen paint
  21. Paint the column with 100% acrylic latex primer and paint

Installing FRP Columns (Split for Reassembly)

To download a printable PDF of the instructions that can be taken to the jobsite, click here.

In order to follow this guide on installing porch columns, please include our column reassembly kit at the time of purchase for all AS split for reassembly applications. Please note that split columns are not load bearing.

  1. Measure the exact height at the location the column is to be installed. Be sure to include any draft angle your installation requires. The column must be trimmed 1/4″ to 1/2″ less than exact height.
  2. Transfer these measurements to the column. Any excess must be trimmed from the bottom of the column
  3. Install L-brackets on each side of the column, two on the top and two on the bottom. Pre-drill the column to insert the bolts and do not over tighten the nuts as the column may fracture
  4. Install the column halves around the existing support. Carefully align the two halves together. Slip two1/8″spacers on to each nylon strap. Loosely install the nylon straps around the assembled column approximately 2 to 3 feet apart (larger diameter columns may require two or more straps joined end to end to encircle column.) Insert 1/8″ spacers into each side of the column and then pull the nylon straps tight. After all straps and spacers have been installed, position the column and secure the L-brackets to the top and bottom surfaces
  5. Follow the body filler manufacturer’s mixing recommendations. Work the body filler into the joints with a plastic body filler spreader or putty knife
  6. Wipe or scrape away any excess body filler. After the body filler has cured, cut the nylon straps and remove the spacers. Fill the areas of the joints where the spacers and straps had been with body filler
  7. After all of the body filler has cured, sand the joints smooth with sandpaper. If necessary, fill any low spots with body filler. Sand again until smooth
  8. Apply construction adhesive to the top of the cap. Push the cap up against the ceiling surface being careful to align the square portion of the cap to the surface. Apply construction adhesive to the bottom of the base. Push the base down against the floor surface being careful to align the square portion of the base to the surface
  9. Caulk the joint between the cap and the column shaft and the joint between the base and the shaft
  10. Column must be painted. Follow the recommended procedure on the instruction sheet included
    with the cap and base

Installing Non-Tapered PVC Columns

To download a printable PDF of the instructions that can be taken to the jobsite, click here.

  1. Measure overall opening from floor to beam or soffit (must have structural pressure-treated post or lally column for load support.)
  2. Install blocking around load bearing post (use pressure treated lumber.) Final width of blocking must be same width as inside of column
  3. Install blocking around center and top of post to match step 2 (center blocking is optional.) Blocking may be attached to deck/soffit instead of post if necessary
  4. Trim shaft pieces at least ¼” shorter than opening height (from step 1). Trim ONLY from the bottom—top end is marked
  5. Lay 3 panels flat and apply adhesive to center joints
  6. Assemble three panels, using E-Z Lock joints
  7. Using finish nails, assemble three panels together. Observe E-Z Lock diagram located on downloadable PDF to determine correct nail placement
  8. Place the partially assembled (three panels) column around post and blocking
  9. Apply adhesive to fourth panel and attach to shaft using E-Z Lock joints. Pin-nail in place
  10. Screw or nail column to blocking only on the bottom. Do not attach at center or top (to allow for expansion)
  11. Apply adhesive to mitered edges of base molding (standard base is 9¼” tall) and assemble around bottom of column shaft
  12. Fasten joints on base with pin nails
  13. The top of the shaft should NOT be fastened to the blocking, and there should be at least ¼” gap to allow expansion (see step 4)
  14. There are two methods of attaching the cap. First, apply adhesive to mitered edges of cap molding (7 ¼” tall) and assemble around shaft and pin-nail joints
  15. Option 1: Attach cap to soffit with construction adhesive and toenail to soffit. DO NOT ATTACH cap to column shaft if the cap is flush with soffit (to allow expansion)
  16. Option 2: Leave ¼” expansion room above cap, and pin-nail the cap to the column. Be sure the pin-nails DO NOT reach the blocking inside
  17. Caulk edges of base, cap, and nail holes
  18. Clean surface of column with cleaner recommended by the paint manufacturer. Paint with 2 coats of acrylic latex paint

Installing Tapered PVC Columns

To download a printable PDF of the instructions that can be taken to the jobsite, click here

  1. Measure overall opening from floor to beam or soffit (must have structural pressure-treated post or lally column for load support.)
  2. Trim shaft pieces to 2 ¼” shorter than opening—2″ for cap/base, ¼” for expansion (¼” if not using cap and base—each part is 1″ thick.) Always trim from bottom only – top is marked
  3. Slide ¾ cut base platform section around post
  4. Glue base platform pieces using biscuits (supplied). Center and attach base to floor/pedestal with appropriate fasteners
  5. Lay 3 panels flat and apply adhesive to center joints. (Polyurethane glue is recommended. Follow manufacturer’s instructions.)
  6. Assemble three panels, using E-Z Lock joints
  7. Finish nail three panels together
  8. Slide assembled 3-sided column around support (on top of base platform)
  9. Slide ¾ cap platform section into place on top of column panels
  10. Raise 3/4 cap platform section to beam/soffit, center, and attach. There should be 1/4″ space for expansion between column and cap platform
  11. Apply adhesive to final panel
  12. Assemble final panel to column using E-Z lock joint. Nail panel to secure in place
  13. Apply glue to final ¼ cap piece and biscuits and slide into place. Pin nail cap moldings to top of column
  14. Use column shaft to check length of base trim molding. If trim is too long, mark cut lines for miters. Moldings should be about 1/8” longer than the width of the column
  15. If base trim moldings are too long, use miter saw to cut base trim pieces to fit around bottom of column
  16. Center trim moldings around shaft. Apply adhesive to base trim moldings and pin-nail into base platform. (Do not attach to shaft.) There should be about a 1/16” gap around shaft
  17. Caulk using latex caulking compound to fill any gaps and nail or screw holes
  18. Clean surface of column with cleaner recommended by the paint manufacturer. Paint with 2 coats of acrylic latex paint

Installing Porch Posts

Click here for downloadable PDF instructions on How To Install Porch Posts

  1. Cut your porch post to your desired height. Because of the steel pipe in the center of the post, we recommend using a multi-cutter saw
  2. Slide the trim collars over the top and bottom of the porch post
  3. Fit the porch post and pencil in top and bottom
  4. Drill 1/4″ holes for plastic anchors
  5. Fasten three clips to the top and bottom of the porch post. The plastic anchors will be located in the bottom only
  6. Slide the porch post into place and use the 2″ self tapping screws to fasten through the angle clips into the post
  7. Install remaining two clips
  8. Slide trim collars over the L brackets and fasten with PL Premium Adhesive