Our Porch Railing Featured in Victorian Homes Magazine!

Be sure to pick up April’s issue of Victorian Homes Magazine (it just hit the stands). We were very flattered to have our products and a previous project featured in their “shopper” section of this very informative publication.


The home shown in the feature was a beautiful Derby, NY home using our 3 1/2 x 26″ Revival Porch Spindles. Also shown in the inset is another reproduction project. We can replicate your existing spindles, or choose from our standard designs by clicking HERE.

As the interior and exterior renovation on this home gets closer to completion, we hope to see a detailed …feature article of the project in a future issue.

Looking for inspiration on your home?  The April issue shown above has tons of pictures and stories that are sure to give you ideas and light a fire in your spring renovation fever.

Does anyone have similar project they would like to share?