Porch Restoration in Pittstown, NJ using custom Square Balusters and Railing

This project was a fun one. This home’s natural beauty was being dragged down by a old rotted porch floor and railing. While the task seemed daunting at first, a breakdown of the steps involved (and a little help from Western Spindle) revealed that this project was very do-able.
Seven-piece top rail with scalloped trim supported by square balusters with multiple widths, all in premium Port Orford Cedar to ensure decades of trouble free enjoyment. Beautiful clear vertical grain tongue & groove Douglas Fir flooring to compliment the light of the morning sun.

Take a look at these “Before” pictures for an idea of the transformation seen on the home:

Thanks to our friends in NJ for sharing their gorgeous pictures with us! If you have a project that seems overwhelming, give us a call. With a little help, it might be easier than you think!