Need your porch railing restoration approved by your local historical society? This is a common situation that we run into all the time. You need a porch restoration. The builder or homeowner must follow the rules of the historic district. They need permission for the new railing materials. This especially true for homes on the […]
Porch Remodel
High quality, architecturally correct exterior porch railing costs between $50 and $275 per linear foot for the materials. This of course covers a wide range of railings from the simple square wood balusters and smaller rail, up to our massive 12″ Poly Rail and 7 1/2″ wide Balusters used on the largest commercial projects. So […]
Large wood porch baluster jobs are what we do at American Porch! Several buildings at the VA Hospital in Sheridan, WY have been undergoing renovations for a few years now. The latest project was a “porch and roof correction”, as designed by architects Fourfront Design, Inc. It is a massive project including eight porches and […]
R.L. of Hurley, WI writes “We finished up the railing at Le Chatteau. The spindles and railings turned out great! Everything fit perfectly. Just wanted to ask if you keep a record of the spindle profile for future use? The Chateau has a second floor with railings around three of the four sides. They may have them changed […]
This beautiful Connecticut home features a rooftop railing over a rounded covered patio. What a difference this decorative exterior balustrade addition had on the look of the home! A huge “thank you” to Creative Builders of CT for letting us be a part of this project. To learn how to measure for your own Curved […]
Nothing says “Welcome home for Christmas” like a well decorated Victorian Porch! Thanks to S.G. of Saratoga Springs, NY for sharing. The customer writes: “The project is done (mostly). Please see pictures attached. The rail system looks great – – and everything fit and was installed with no problem. Thank you!” Products featured on this […]
T.B. of Frankfort IL writes “Wanted you to see your beautiful product. Thank you for all your help in this process. It turned out wonderful!! I can take more pictures next year with landscaping, if you want.” One of the more common questions we get is “How do we get curved rail for our porch?”. […]
A HUGE “thank you” for the pictures and feedback from Asya & Todd of Rex Builders in Butte, MT. Their amazing craftsmanship and attention to detail is evident in this porch remodel. Asya writes “Here are a few pictures of a porch remodel we just finished in uptown Butte. Thanks again for your amazing products! […]
G.B. of Olympia, WA writes: “Adam, here are photos of our new porch. [We] just finished painting this morning. I might add some more trim to the newel posts to doll them up a bit, but we are very happy with the railing and your products. Check out our great new granite step!” Adam: […]
A huge “Thank You” to this Minnesota customer for sending pictures of this beautiful porch. This homeowner wanted to keep the profile of their original porch railing. We reproduced the rail profile in cedar, with the slight modification of a sloped bottom rail and notched spindles to avoid problems with water sitting on the bottom […]